Vendor Application

To be considered for the Market, a completed application must be submitted. Photos are required for items other than primary products. Primary producers are given priority, followed by food producers.

The Antigonish Farmers Market is registered for GST (GST #89788052RT0001). Vending fees shown include the GST.

You will be notified upon acceptance. Please allow 7 – 10 days for approval. Although we try our best to meet all scheduling needs, requested dates are not guaranteed.

Applications are reviewed based on the current needs and balance of the Market.

    Name & Contact Details

    Please share a Farm/ Business bio that describes your production methods, where you source your raw materials and gives you information about your farm and business. Maximum 100 words please.

    Do you allow this information to be used on the AFMA and the NS Farmer's Market website? YesNo


    You must make, bake, or grow no less then 75% of your product offerings. You are allowed to carry a maximum of 25% of other products. Details found under "The 25% Rule" in our Rules and Regulations

    All vendors must comply with Federal, Provincial and Municipal Regulations, if applicable.

    Please give a detailed description of products that you plan to sell at the AFM that are of your own production. What makes your product unique?

    I would like to bring the following products which I do not produce myself and know that I require prior approval from the Operations Manager before putting out on my table. Please list product and the producer for each item.

    Please indicate the product(s) you will be selling. Select all that apply.

    If you have products in several categories, please indicate what percentage you have in each product category,

    Attendance & Table Preference

    Please select your payment option:

    Weekly at the MarketMonthly Invoicing

    Please select your payment method:


    Please send an E-transfer to

    Electrical fees (per week) can be found on the Vendor Information page.

    Will your booth require electricity?

    Will your booth require water?

    When do you plan to attend the market?
    Full Season (Jan 13- Dec 21)Specific Dates

    Please select the specific dates that you wish to attend the 2024 Market.













    Please select the specific dates that you wish to attend the 2024 Winter Market.





    Number of tables requested. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

    Please see the AFMA Rules & Regulations for Table Fees and Electrical charges.

    Have you been a vendor at the Antigonish Farmers' Market before?

    Waste Reduction

    The Antigonish Farmers’ Market is committed to waste reduction, and requires that vendors consider how they can support the initiatives by using less packaging, reusable and compostable options, reducing waste, and sorting and placing waste in the appropriate containers or locations. I agree to support the waste reduction initiatives of the Antigonish Farmers' Market Association.



    I agree to help promote the Antigonish Farmers' Market Association and its vendors through my own promotions and social media.


    A completed application must be submitted by Dec 17th, 2022 and the membership fee paid before the first market of the new market season. (2024 season - $110.00). Payment may be made by cash or by e-transfer to

    In order to be considered for the Market: a completed application must be submitted along with a yearly non-refundable $20 signup fee. Payment may be made by cash or by e-transfer to

    Allow 10 days for approval. Acceptance is not guaranteed, and all applications are reviewed based on the current needs, fit, and balance of the Market.


    If you would like to send an image for the use on the AFMA Website/ Facebook page, please send them to

    Public Market Permit:

    Food Safety Checklist:

    Food Handlers Certificate:

    Liquor License:

    I have read the AFMA Food Safety Checklist.


    Vending Agreement

    It is the responsibility of you, the vendor, to keep your contact and product information current. It is the responsibility of you, the vendor, to obtain the proper permits, if required, to sell your products at the market. Copies of newsletters handed out at the AFM will also be emailed. Newsletters are not posted on the AFM website and can be obtained from the Operations Manager. Only vendors from the previous season will be notified of the Annual General Meeting for the Antigonish Farmers' Market Association.

    I, the undersigned, have received and read the most current "Antigonish Farmers' Market Association Rules and Regulations" and "NS Dept. of Agriculture's Guidelines for Public Markets" (found on our website) I agree to comply with these Rules And Regulations and Guidelines, knowing that I forfeit my right to vending at the Antigonish Farmers' Market if I am found to be in non-compliance with the Rules and Regulations and/or Public Market Guidelines. I have attached the necessary required documents.

    Reference Material & Other Documents:

    I have read and agree to the Antigonish Farmers' Market Rules and Regulations

    I understand that I must be at my booth and ready to sell by 8:25AM and that I must remain until the Market closes.

    I agree to have the AFMA manager approve any new products before I add them to my booth.

    I give permission for the AFMA to use my business information and photos for promotion, including in vendor directories, website, social media, radio, newspaper and for product referrals.

    I acknowledge that the Board of Directors and staff of the Antigonish Farmers' Market Association accept no liability for the goods and services of the vendors.

    I will remove my vehicle from the Market area and park in the designated parking areas after I have unloaded my items.

    I understand that if I need to cancel my spot I must contact the Operations Manager by 5:00PM on the Tuesday preceding the Market. I am aware that I will be charged for my space if I fail to attend the Market without having given notice.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the key.

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