Site FAQ

Site FAQ

The Market is now open and operating under NS public health Guidelines

As was previously announced in early July of 2010, the Farmers Market of Nova Scotia has decided to discontinue their working relationship with their former web developers, SAH Digital. According to statements made by SAH Digital, the website will no longer be available to us as of August 1st 2010. The current site is a marked improvement over our previous situation and we encourage all vendors to make the most of it.

Q. What happened to my old picture?

The original pictures on were designed to make the site dial-up friendly and as a result were very low resolution and looked quite bad on the new site, which supports a higher resolution picture. All vendors without a picture available to Simply Ducky have had a placeholder image used until a new picture can be taken.

Q. Does this mean we have to start from scratch?

No. All of the old information from the original website has been safely saved. All of the 2010 recipes of the week as well as the vendor profiles have been currently uploaded. The recipes of the week for 2009 will be uploaded over time.

Q. Can I now list more then one picture on my profile?

No, not at the moment. The priority of the AFM right now is to make sure everyone has an up to date profile with a clear      photo posted. We may allow multiple pictures and an expansion of the vendor listings at a later date.

Q. What about Facebook / Twitter / Flickr – can I add those to my listing?

Yes! Simply send the relevant links to Simply Ducky ( and he will have them listed as soon as possible. Social media sites are a great way to engage your customers. We encourage all Market vendors to take advantage of the additional exposure such sites provide.

Q. Does this mean it will be faster or easier to make changes to our profile?

Yes. While previously all changes to a vendors profile had to be submitted to the FMNS office in Halifax for approval and posting, all changes will now be handled locally by Simply Ducky. Crispin has set aside an hour a week to post recipes, update profiles, and add new listings.

Q. Who do I talk to if I have any questions?

You can talk to Veronica, the Market Manager in regards to any policy questions. If you have any technical questions or wish to submit pictures or information for your vendor listing, email Crispin at or give him a call at 735-5251.

Q. Why should I be interested in updating my listing, isn’t the original information still fine?

Your listing on the Antigonish Farmer’s Market is free, a great way to advertise your presence on the web, and can help      improve the visibility of your own website in search engine rankings. Take advantage of it! Many vendors have been  participating at the Farmers Market for years and over time the products they carry and services they offer have grown – make sure your listing is up to date!

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